Post-Op Instructions

Instructions after Removing Infection

We have removed the pus from the tooth and the bone (Popped a pimple in the bone to drain the pus out of the tooth).

There are a few things you need to know

  1. You will be numb for a few hours so avoid excessive chewing and hot food or drink until the numbness has completely worn off. You may chew your lip without knowing
  2. Your pain will decrease over the next few days, so please give it time to heal and remember to take your pain killers to manage the pain

  3. Sometime pain can come back due to the pus-forming back again. You need to let us know ASAP so we can redrain the pus from the tooth and relieve you of your pain. 

  4. Sometimes the temporary filling will wear off, however, the bulk will remain in the cavity we have created.

  5. The worst-case scenario is that the tooth may fracture, and we have to remove the tooth. The chance of this happening is very rare. Therefore, please be careful when you are chewing in this area. Preferrable chew on the other side of the mouth if possible.

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